Looking Back at 2013 and Forward to 2014

new-year-fireworks-2014-wallpaperYou may have noticed that we’ve been a bit quiet over the recent holiday period, we’ve been taking some time out to refresh and re-energise.  It has been a great time to reflect on the past year and plan for the new year.

2013 has been an amazing year for Physiopedia, we established our formal volunteers program and ran the first ever open online course for the physiotherapy and physical therapy profession.  But we didn’t stop there. All year long, our volunteers and students have been contributing in so many fantastic and unexpected ways that it’s been hard to wrap our brains around all the activity. So here’s my attempt at collecting and distilling everything here.

In 2013 we:

In 2014, we will:

  • Run more open online courses in collaboration with experts around the world.
  • Develop more continued learning and professional development opportunities through the Physiopedia platform.
  • Secure continued learning and professional development credit for our courses and other learning opportunities.
  • Develop partnerships that contribute to our mission.
  • Launch our clinic, university and professional organisation partnerships.
  • Expand professional development and learning opportunities in less resourced areas of the world.
  • Action our peer review strategy.  If you would like to be a peer reviewer or topic expert please let us know!
  • Continue to work with our amazing team of volunteers to provide a continually developing rich resource for the physiotherapy and physical therapy profession.
  • Have some Physiopedia Awards!
  • Be attending CSM in Las Vegas in February, see you there!!

I could go on but I’ll stop there or I’ll be giving myself too much work!!!

The biggest thing you should note about Physiopedia is that it is no longer just a professional resource. It is a global community and movement of volunteers developing content and running online courses, all with the purpose of developing the physiotherapy and physical therapy profession.  Helping people to learn, professionally develop and  do what they already do better with the aid of open resources and tools.

If you would like to join us in our endeavours to provide free education opportunities to the global physiotherapy and physical therapy profession, get in touch!

On behalf of the Physiopedia team – directors, volunteers, advisors and partners – we wish you a happy and healthy 2014!