An Introduction to Red Flags

Only around 1% of all musculoskeletal presentations in primary care will be due to serious pathology. Such pathologies include spinal infection, cauda equina, fracture, malignancy and spondyloarthropathies.

Yet despite the low incidence rates, these conditions should be considered as differential diagnoses when individuals present with back pain – particularly if the patient is not responding in an expected way or is starting to worsen. Identifying serious pathology early on in your assessment because if missed there can be serious life threatening concequences for your patient.

Luckily Physioplus has a new course created by Laura Finucane to make sure you know what’s what when it comes to red flags. Laura is an absolute expert on the topic and practices as a consultant physiotherapist, there isn’t anyone better to introduce you to the topic.

An Introduction to Red Flags
When assessing patients in clinical practice, it is always essential to consider serious pathology as a differential diagnosis. Red flag screening questions were developed to help detect these pathologies, but there is limited evidence to support their use. So how should clinicians be using red flags and how do they know when to take action? This course aims to provide you with an understanding of red flags and how they can be used effectively in clinical practice.

Enroll Now for The Best Intro to Red Flags Anywhere on the Internet