Today is World COPD Day

The third Wednesday of November signifies world COPD Day.

Keeping active is one of the most effective ways to manage COPD and its constituent parts emphysema, asthma and bronchitis. This is why physiotherapy is essential in the management of the condition allowing people to keep physically strong and reduce the risk of infections and exacerbations.

Globally, it is estimated that 3.17 million deaths were caused by the disease in 2015 (that is, 5% of all deaths globally in that year) and the primary cause is tobacco smoking. The condition is non-reversible and the impact is not just on the lungs in that the symptoms reach far beyond just coughing and breathless easily, it can come with anxiety and steal quality of life very easily.

So today why not spend some time with your patients encouraging them to give up smoking and take up exercise instead?

The Top COPD Resources on Physiopedia

We have loads and loads of top quality resources about COPD on Physiopedia, free and ready for you to access now. Below is a few of the highlights but the list is by far exhaustive!