Dear readers! You are invited to participate in an interview for a research study. Andrea Sturm, PhD Student from the Interuniversity of Graz, Dr. Caroline Fryer and Dr. Ian Edwards from the University of South Australia are collaborating on this project. The research team are all physical therapists, researchers and educators who are teaching professional ethics.
What is the aim of this study?
The aim of the study is to understand how physical therapists from all five regions of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) are influenced by different factors in their ethical decision-making.
What is required for participating?
You need to be a physical therapist. The interviews will be conducted online with a researcher via the meeting-tool ‘Zoom’ and will take about one hour to complete. The interviews will be in English. The research will ask you to talk about your experience of making ethical decisions in your physical therapy practice. To participate in an interview, you need to have an email address for the invitation link, and a computer with a camera and a microphone, or an internet-connected mobile phone. The study has been approved by the Interuniversity of Graz’s (ID:14/2019) and the University of South Australia’s (ID:202567) Human Research Ethics Committees. If you would be interested to take part the team will send you information about the project and a consent form via email and contact you to arrange an interview time.
For more information email to Andrea Sturm & Caroline Fryer or via Twitter @AndreaSturmPT or @CarolineEFryer on Twitter.
Be part of it!
The team hope all physical therapy voices to be heard in the study. Participation in the research project is voluntary and all data will be anonymised before analysis. You will be free to withdraw from the study at any time. The study will help the physical therapy profession worldwide to provide relevant support and education for physical therapists. The results will be published for the use of all physical therapy associations and education institutions.