We know very little about how physiotherapy clinicians think about the impact of AI-based systems on clinical practice, or how these systems will influence human relationships and professional practice. As a result, we cannot prepare for the changes that are coming to clinical practice and physiotherapy education. Michael Rowe from the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, is conducting a research study to explore this further.
His study aims to answer the following research question: What are the perceptions of physiotherapy clinicians on the introduction of artificial intelligence into clinical practice? You do not need to have a detailed understanding of artificial intelligence in order to complete this survey.
This project has received ethics clearance from the University of the Western Cape (project number: BM/19/3/3). Your participation in this survey will not lead to the collection on any personally identifiable information and your identity will therefore remain anonymous. You may withdraw from participating at any point during the process of completing the online survey. There are no perceived risks or benefits to participating in this survey, although it is likely that your perceptions of AI in clinical practice may be influenced by your participation. There are no incentives for participating.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the researcher Michael Rowe.
This project has received ethics clearance from the University of the Western Cape (project number: BM/19/3/3).