The WCPT and International Network of Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities (INPTRA) have published a white paper addressing physiotherapy practice and regulation in a digital age. The whitepaper is an initial look at international digital practice and proposes a definition and purpose for digital practice within our profession exploring benefits, risks concerns and considerations for different areas of practice. If you are wondering what is meant by digital practice think telehealth or telemedicine, in essence tech in a healthcare context, have a read of this page in Physiopedia.
A survey has been created to gather feedback on the white paper to ensure all perspectives of our profession are gathered. If you are worried about the paper being too complex for you then don’t worry as it is easily accessible and comprehensible.
The summary of the guiding principles for physio’s engaging in digital practice are:
- Ensure digital practice is within the best interest of your service users and wherever possible service delivery choices are made with them
- Make sure you are aware of your own scope of practice and governing framework
- Engage with key stakeholders to agree and support the use of digital practice and you and they are aware of limitations and potential benefits
- You are sure it adds benefit to the service user and that they are, as well as yourself, competent in its use
- Be prepared to collaborate with stakeholders to share the outcome/benefit/impact of the changes to your practice.