Help & Tips When Writing Your Physiotherapy Thesis

Are you writing your thesis in physiotherapy? If you want tips, the ENPHE may have something for you!

Recently Physiospot was contacted by Aymeric Fernet, a French Physiotherapy student who attended the ENPHE conference in 2018 as part of the research working group. If you’ve not come across the ENPHE before it stands for The European Network for Physiotherapy in Higher Education. Their mission is to bring together and enhance collaboration between EU and physiotherapy institutions to improve education and research within our profession.

During his time at the conference Aymeric realised that there was a huge disparity in the approach different institutions and countries have concerning physiotherapy research. Feeling empowered and invested in this problem Aymeric went on to become representatives of the research group to tackle this problem. Since Paris the group has gone on to do some fantastic work culminating in the “Thesis Video Project”.

The working group wanted to create a video gathering tips from current or former students about their own experience writing their thesis, the aim being to help and guide undergraduate students with the preparation and selection processes of their thesis.

The group made six interviews with graduated students or last year students from the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Germany, mixed them up and came with a video on our YouTube channel.

There is one more thing for you… Go check the description of that video because you will find a link to a google doc with a list of useful links to some sites that can be really useful while undergoing a research in physiotherapy.

Good luck in writing your thesis!