Physiopedia Trustees Annual Report

The past year has been the biggest in the history of Physiopedia. So much has happened and we are really proud of the team for everything they have done. Not only has Physiopedia grown in terms of content and reach, the quality has stepped up another level. It wouldn’t be possible without the team of volunteers at the core of Physiopedia. They really  are the epitome of the Physiopedia mission to improve global health through universal access to physiotherapy knowledge.

Alongside the creation and review of content on Physiopedia, we have been involved in a number of different projects which strive towards achieving the same mission. To read about these projects we would love for you to take some time and read through the Annual Physiopedia Trustees Report. For a sneak peak below are some of the things we are most proud.

Read the Annual Report

Staggering GrowthPhysiopedia volunteer team - physiotherapy and physical therapy charity volunteering
Physiopedia now have over 2600 articles on the website written by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. These articles are read by 2 million friends and colleagues every month, this is a 45% growth on last year. This number is staggering and reflects all of the hard work from the devoted PP volunteers.
770 individuals from Pakistan registered
for the Clubfoot MOOC
free online clubfoot course
Our free open online course in November 2017 was on
Managing Children with Clubfoot. The collaboration with ICRC and the Global Clubfoot Initiative created 28 new pages of content in Physiopedia and a course that was accredited in the USA and South Africa 7,277 people registered for the course from 153 countries.
Supporting the Launch of the Open Physio Journalopen physiotherapy and physical therapy journal
In line with our commitment to providing universal access to physiotherapy knowledge we were pleased to support the development and launch of a new open access journal that proudly facilitates the timely sharing of research findings.Immediate publication, open and transparent peer review, copyright retention for authors are the innovative features of this journal.
Just Keep Movingphysiopedia just keep moving campaign
We are really proud of are is our #justkeepmoving campaign which highlights the fact that activity is a key component of health for any human being – young and old, in sickness and in health, and wherever you may be in the world.A number of our volunteers have shared their #justkeepmoving stories and they are all available to read on Physiospot.
Developing a Volunteer Programme
In 2017 we developed our volunteer programme and ran two orientation courses to formally train participants to become trusted editors and part
of the content team. 21 volunteers from 17 countires graduated the courses and joined the team. These volunteers benefit from regular mentoring not only in Physiopedia team duties but also in their individual
professional practice.


None of this would be possible if it weren’t for the team behind the scences. Physiopedia is a charity registered in the UK run by volunteers. Without donations it would be impossible to keep this dream alive. We are grateful for anyhting you can give.

Donate to the Physiopedia Charity

If you wonder where donations go then the table below gives a few examples. Of course you can donate without deciding on what the money will be spent on as there are plenty of running costs!

Alternative ways to donate money are buying Physiopedia merch, using AmazonSmile, by become a benefactor or by making a legacy gift. If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Rachael Lowe.