Physiopedia partner, Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) is pleased to announce the launch of a new physical therapy project in partnership with the University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS) in Rwanda. HVO will work with CMHS to upgrade the clinical reasoning and clinical practice skills of Rwandan physiotherapists and physiotherapy educators.
HVO will recruit two to three qualified physical therapists per year to deliver continuing professional development courses to practicing physical therapy clinicians in Rwanda. These professional development courses will focus on clinical content in all areas, especially musculoskeletal, cardiovascular-pulmonary, and neurological disorders and impairments, and care of paediatric physical therapy patients. The courses will also aim to impart principles of teaching and training so that clinicians who complete the courses can share newly learned concepts with their colleagues in the field.
Assignments are two to four weeks. Volunteers must be licensed physical therapists. All areas of clinical expertise will be considered. Volunteers should have teaching and curriculum development experience. Volunteers must submit a CV, a curricular outline/syllabus, and course objectives for the professional development course being proposed.
What Do the HVO Aim to Achieve?
Health Volunteers Overseas improves global health through education of the local health workforce in resource-scarce countries. Since 1986, HVOstaff and volunteers have collaborated with a variety of health institutions to design, develop and implement each HVO project, working toward better patient care around the globe in trauma care, child and maternal health, essential surgery, cancer care, rehabilitation, and more.
There is a global shortage of more the 7.2 million health workers – a figure that will grow to 12.9 million by the year 2035. This shortage disproportionately affects low- and middle-income countries. These countries have limited resources, both human and financial, and face a significant burden of disease.
While health care providers in these resource-limited settings may be devoted to learning and improving their skills to meet the health needs of their communities, they are working in strained systems. The infrastructure at health institutions in resource-limited settings may lack access to essential medicines and supplies, and shortages in the number of health care providers add to the challenge. Because of these limited resources, not enough health care professionals receive training; few have the opportunity for continued professional education and growth, and most work in isolation with little opportunity to learn from nearby colleagues.
To address this global health workforce crisis, HVO recruits trained health care professionals – physicians, nurses, dentists, physical therapists and others – willing to donate their time and expertise to work side-by-side with their colleagues overseas. They have built a global health community that is dedicated to improving working conditions for health workers by providing professional support and opportunity. The HVO strengthen health systems by empowering local health workers – and stronger health systems lead to more patients served and more lives saved.
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