It gives me great pleasure in welcoming Matt Ross to the Physiospot team.
Matt has just completed the Physiopedia volunteer orientation course and as a new graduate he is keen to share his journey from student to autonomous practitioner here on physiospot. Expect to read his journey through monthly updates to the voices column and I cannot wait to read his upcoming debut blogpost entitled “So you want to be a physiotherapist..?”.
As well as sharing his journey with us he will also me helping me out writing the new style of Research Post here on Physiospot. Here is a little bit from Matt himself.
I have recently joined the Physiopedia team following their Volunteer Orientation Course, and with delight I have been assigned to help analyse and critique the latest evidence on PhysioSpot as well as offering a monthly blog to assist those just starting on their Physiotherapy journey from applying to universities to getting your first job.
I’m looking forward to working with the team, and hopefully the pieces I provide will be both informative and interesting.
Keep you eyes peeled for Matt’s work. It’ll be coming to a screen near you soon!