It’s time to prepare for Geneva 2019!
The call for focused symposia is now open. This is your opportunity to be involved in one of congress’s key sessions, which include high profile speakers and draw large audiences to engage in lively discussion.
Lasting 90 minutes, each symposium is organised by a recognised expert in the field who leads a coherent session with 3-4 speakers working together thoughtfully to explore the latest practice, research, education and professional issues.
The call is open to any topic relevant to the profession. However, the Congress Programme Committee (CPC) is particularly interested in proposals addressing any of the following areas identified through the WCPT congress market research survey:
- advancing and defining the scope of physical therapy practice, including advances in technology and education;
- how physical therapy needs to change to meet the demands of the ageing population;
- the unique contribution of physical therapists in the physical activity agenda;
- challenging perceptions of pain management across the lifespan and across all fields of practice;
- innovative approaches to address health system funding issues.
The submissions should address the topic from an international/diverse perspective by including presentations from a range of countries and preferably from three different WCPT regions. Where applicable to the topic, priority will be given to symposia that include perspectives from low-resource countries.
Please read the submission guidelines before submitting your proposal.
All submissions will be notified of outcome by 27th April 2018.