There is still time to join 4000 International colleagues and make the most of the 2017 Physiopedia MOOC to learn about clubfoot.
For the third year in succession Physiopedia and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are working together to create another fantastic learning opportunity. This year they both welcome the Global Clubfoot Initiative (GCI) to help create the best resource possible and build on the momentum from the cerebral palsy MOOC from 2016.
Prem Saggurthi is a physiotherapist who works as a rehabilitation manager for the ICRC. Prem has been an amazing co-ordinator of the Clubfoot MOOC, which is currently taking place on Physiopedia, and we are so thankful for him for helping us. I could try and write about what Prem and the ICRC do but I don’t think that would do him and them justice. If you watch this video you’ll understand what I mean.
As Prem passionately explains in this interview, clubfoot is entirely treatable and we need to do more to get that message across to those who haven’t heard. Physiopedia is proud to help communicate this message worldwide and begin to lay the foundations of health equality for those born with clubfoot.