There is still time to join 4000 International colleagues and make the most of the 2017 Physiopedia MOOC to learn about clubfoot.
For the third year in succession Physiopedia and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are working together to create another fantastic learning opportunity. This year they both welcome the Global Clubfoot Initiative (GCI) to help create the best resource possible and build on the momentum from the cerebral palsy MOOC from 2016.
If you’re new to MOOC’s they are massive online open courses and offer an opportunity to provide education for all. When Physiopedia works on a MOOC rest assured they are of the utmost quality. Last year saw Cerebral Palsy as the topic of the, now yearly, learning event. There were over 14,000 participants and the feedback was excellent and the sheer amount of learning which took place was unprecedented in the Physiotherapy world. If you want to learn more about the success of the course you can read the report; Report from the Managing Children with Cerebral Palsy MOOC.
This year the course will provide you with a framework to develop theoretical principles for the management of children with Clubfoot relevant in all contexts. It will introduce the pathoanatomy, etiology and epidemiology underpinning Clubfoot, explore assessment and the roles of the multidisciplinary team, as well as provide a theoretical understanding of management techniques and related clinical considerations.
Thanks to interviews and content from physiotherapists and surgeons from Sudan, India, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, the UK and the ACT, you really will begin to understand the condition.
It is important that we have this standard of content and contribution from worldwide experts as clubfoot is a complex congenital deformity of the foot. Also known as ‘congenital talipes equinovarus’ (CTEV), clubfoot is caused by the abnormal development of a baby’s bones, ligaments and muscles whilst in the womb. It is said that around 150,000 – 200,000 babies with clubfoot are born each year, approximately 80% of these will be in low and middle income countries. Most cases of clubfoot can be successfully treated by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare workers with methods that may include a combination of stretching, casting, and bracing. This is why MOOCs like this are so important, it allows equity in knowledge, it gives everyone the opportunity to give their patients the best start in life.
This message quality of knowledge is central to Physiopedia and this is why we are doing something new for this MOOC. We are going to make sure that as much of the course content is available in French as possible. As some of the resources are published materials (such as books) they will remain in English.