This interview was recorded as part of the cervical spine course.
Ken Olson is private practice physiotherapist in the U.S where he is president of 4 practices, Northern Rehab. He also teaches on undergraduate physical therapist programmes focusing his teaching on the spine, this is understandable seeing he is an author of the brilliant (and pretty famous) textbook Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine which is now in its second edition. As if he wasn’t busy enough he is also IFOMPT President.
During this interview Ken takes you through the journey of his incredibly impressive career to date. Get ready for insights and anecdotes about his book and 200(!) accompanying videos as well as his teaching career. However the gem of this video is how Ken explains how to assess and manage the cervical spine. With reference to the IFOMPT Cervical Framework Document and the importance of a neurovascular screen, Ken will make you feel comfortable with approaching one of the most tricky areas of practice; the neck.