At Physiospot we love technology. If there is a new development we are always keen to show how it can be used clinically to benefit patients. Recently we have had a few research articles showing the effectiveness and worth of virtual reality (VR). Reading about what it looks like and how it works is one thing but actually visualizing it is something else altogether. Thanks to the Human Interface Team at Birmingham University we can show you what it is like through the eyes of a user of VR.
Using their technology the HIT team give the chance to those who are critically unwell a chance to ‘cycle’ the Devonshire coastline. The VR interface is currently being used in a study at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham to see if it positively affects rehabilitation outcomes when used alongside traditional interventions. If successful it will be further evidence supporting the use of VR within the realms of physiotherapy.
Watch the video below to see what the patients will see during the trial!