UK Physiotherapists will have between the 20th of July and the 8th of September to consult about the Physiotherapy Apprenticeship Standards. This could have radical implications for the entire physiotherapy workforce.
The apprenticeship standards are needed to describe the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to carry out a specific occupation. The standard must be a short document therefore these descriptors do not provide detailed curriculum.
The groups developing these standards are called ‘Trailblazers’, the Physiotherapy Trailblazer has developed the standard for Physiotherapists and required your opinion.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) sees the benefits of expanding the Physio workforce through alternative routes to full-time study. Thanks to the major apprenticeship reform in England a Physiotherapy apprenticeship could become a reality in September 2018. The major change to the previous rules are the level of academic qualification gained post apprenticeship. The new rules would allow BSc as well as MSc level qualifications.
To keep up to date with developments, make sure you bookmark the CSP Apprenticeship page.