Jane’s mission is to optimise recovery for those who have had a neurological injury, through the use of technology & neuroscience.
Professor Jane Burridge is the president of ACPIN (The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology) and is also a researcher at Southampton University. Jane is an expert in the use of technologies in stroke rehabilitation and there isn’t anyone more qualified to contributed to our stroke course which is available on PP+. Thank you Jane!
I’ll keep the writing short and let Jane & Rachael do the talking!
As Professor of Restorative Neuroscience, Jane primarily works in stroke but this often includes working with other neurological impairments. As an early adopter of technology, Jane is essential to our profession. Please take time to listen to this interview and read her work, prepare to be inspired.
Jane has a prolific research profile, take a look at her Southampton bio as well as her ResearchGate profile.
If you like this interview and want to learn more about stroke then you should check out our excellent Stroke course on PP+.