WCPT is pleased to announce the launch of its art and health competition. The work of the finalists will be displayed in an art and health exhibition at the WCPT Congress 2017 in Cape Town next July. The exhibition is always popular at congress and adds a unique element to the event.
The theme of the competition is “Diversity and inclusion”. WCPT is seeking outstanding pieces of artwork and photography relevant to physical therapy. Interpretations of the theme may include:
- Diversity of patients and practice
- Inclusion of disabilities
- How physical therapy encourages inclusion
- the vast range of specialties within the profession
All entries must be submitted electronically as a JPEG photograph. The original artwork must be created in one of the following media:
- Photography
- Painting
- Drawing
- Sculpture
All images should be taken at the best quality available. If a photograph of a sculpture, drawing or painting is being submitted, the artwork must be clearly visible and well lit. The competition is open to all physical therapists and their patients – all that is required is a passion for your work! A maximum of three entries may be submitted by any one individual. Click to view the winners and runners-up of the last art and health competition.
The closing date for the competition is 15th February 2017. Please email entries (or direct any enquiries) to Mia Lockner. If the total size of your entries exceeds 10MB please use a compression site. Please include a brief description for each entry (approx 50-100 words).
The overall winner of the competition will receive an Amazon voucher to the equivalent value of $100 (USD) to spend in their local store. In addition, there will be a winner in each of the four categories: photography, painting, drawing, sculpture. Each of these will be awarded a WCPT art and health competition winner certificate. The photographs/submitted images of work will be given a high profile within the art and health exhibition at the WCPT Congress in Cape Town as well as being featured on the WCPT website and within the website’s photo gallery.
Runners-up will be awarded a WCPT art and health competition runner-up certificate. The photographs/submitted images of work will be shown within the art and health exhibition at the WCPT Congress in Cape Town as well as being featured on the WCPT website and within the website’s photo gallery.
As with all artwork copyright and permissions are needed; the individual entering the competition must be the photographer/artist and the owner of the copyright for any works entered. Submissions must provide evidence that permissions have been obtained from any person/s featured in the photographs. Students/patients/models/actors may be used.
Additionally by entering this competition the photographer/artist is granting WCPT non-exclusive and royalty-free rights to display their entry/entries in connection with this contest, as well as on the WCPT website and within its promotional and/or marketing materials such as posters, brochures, flyers, PowerPoint presentations and activity reports. WCPT may also request additional permission from you before using your photographs for purposes other than those listed above.
The photographer/artist retains copyright of their entry/entries and will be credited alongside their submitted work/s.