Biting off potentially more than they can chew, the physio matters podcast gang are having an impromptu live podcast session at ER-WCPT on the CSP stand.
The topic is the NHS, what’s wrong , what needs to change and the future. The guest offering the inpatient physio perspective is consultant respiratory physiotherapist Rachael Moses.
Topics covered included the role of physiotherapy in en-abling patients instead of dis-abling with social care, the role of finance in decision making with a topical link to the founders lecture this morning delivered by Economist Michael Brennan (CEO Canadian Physiotherapy Assoc). In particular there was reference to QUALY and how this is used in deciding if physiotherapy is worthwhile.
Naturally a large portion of the discussion was discussing prevention life long chronic diseases such as COPD and obesity. Listen to the podcast here, make sure you check out the extensive back catalog it’s well worth it. Just like this talk they are equally controversial and don’t pull punches.
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