Insufficient physical activity has been identified to be the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths worldwide.
The physical activity content development project aims to develop content for the physical activity section in Physiopedia. The information is credible, thought-provoking and covers all the aspects needed to encourage activity no matter the environment, cost or disease process. It is free and anyone is able to get involved. For information on how to get involved email Rachael Lowe.
The latest page to be created is physical activity in low and middle income countries. It is a fantastic page packed full of facts, information and examples of how physical activity can have a fantatic impact on health around the globe. The netball project in Tonga is a stand out part of the page. You have to check it out.
Putting it bluntly there is no excuse, get out there, get promoting physical activity and contribute to the physical activity development project. It could be the biggest difference you make to improving health around the world.