Postural control is a crucial element in regular training of athletes, development of complex technical movement, and injury prevention; however, distributing factor of the postural control such as fatigue have been neglected by athletic trainers in novice and inexperienced athletes. The objective of this study was to compare changes in dynamic postural control of young female athletes and non-athletes after a fatigue protocol. Thirty females (15 athletes and 15 non-athletes) with no orthopedic problems were recruited to participate in this study. All participants completed the pre-SEBT (Star Excursion Balance Test) in eight directions at baseline; then they performed a 20- minute fatigue protocol following which post-SEBT was measured. Rating of perceived exertion was measured using the Borg scale immediately before, mid-way through (i.e. after the third station), and after performing the fatigue protocol (i.e. immediately before the post-SEBT). Female non-athlete groups had significant differences in dynamic balance performance after fatigue in the medial, posterormedial, and posterior directions (p < 0.01) measured by SEBT. Athletes, however, showed no significant changes after the fatigue protocol. Our results indicates the importance of evaluation and monitoring of dynamic postural control of the novice with progressing the exercise time.
The findings could also help coaches to develop trainings focused on the three directions of medial, posterormedial, and posterior directions and aimed at exercises increasing fatigue resistance.