I don’t know if you’ve heard, we have 2 new short courses available.

Both courses are available to start and finish in your own time, on your own schedule. They are available to PP+ members only.

Reflection is something I have grown to be fond of as my career has progressed. I now see it as an essential part of my working week, by using reflection I am able to learn from my experiences, give myself direction and enable me to give my patients a better service. Reflection is so essential to our practice that some professional organisations require clinical reflective practice as part of the CEU portfolio of their members.

Reflection is part of everyday life and a crucial part of learning. By reflecting on our actions and thought processes we learn from experience. Let us help you learn how to reflect effectively and watch your practice evolve.

Clinical Reflective Frameworks

This course aims to introduce to you different Reflective Frameworks and to provide guidance on selecting and applying them in your Clinical Reflection.

Many different Reflective Frameworks have been developed to support the important activity of Clinical Reflection. These Frameworks while different have many similarities and can be used in Clinical Reflection while treating a patient, thinking back on a specific patient scenario, as part of training and educational goal development, and in portfolio writing. It is important to be aware of and practice using different frameworks in order to determine the right framework for any particular circumstance.

The course consists of 3 main elements which you’ll aim to spend 1.5-2 hours on:Reflection Time

  1. A Video interview with a topic specialist
  2. Wider reading
  3. Quizzes


Currently this course is work 3 CEUs to the South African Society of Physiotherapy. Accreditation is being sought with ProCert & the WCPT.

Enroll on the Clinical Reflection Frameworks course now!

Clinical Reflection

This course aims to provide you with different types of Clinical Reflection for novices and experienced therapists with specific physiotherapy scenarios to enable you to incorporate clinical reflection into your practice and educational goal setting.

The course consists of 3 main elements which you’ll aim to spend 1.5-2 hours on:clinical reflection for physiotherapists and physical therapists

  1. A Video interview with a topic specialist
  2. Wider reading
  3. Quizzes


Currently this course is work 3 CEUs to the South African Society of Physiotherapy. Accreditation is being sought with ProCert & the WCPT.

Enroll on the Clinical Reflection course now!

Take it from me who is currently doing the HCPC Audit, here in England. You’ll be glad you’ve taken part in this course when it comes to registration time!