We have started a new year, a new decade and a new appreciation program for Physiopedia. Each month, Physiopedia will be highlighting one of it’s deserving contributors for their special or outstanding contributions to Physiopedia. To learn more about our new awards program, click here!
We are delighted to give the first Top Contributor award to Lucinda Hampton. Lucinda joined the volunteer team last year and since then has tirelessly improving Physiopedia content, she keeps us on our toes with between 300-500 edits each month and her eye for detail challenges us to always be on top form. A massive thank you Lucinda for your amazing contribution to Physiopedia and to the physiotherapy profession worldwide!
Q & A With Our Very First Award Winner!
Your Name: Lucinda Hampton
Time active with Physiopedia: I loved exploring the site before officially doing the volunteer course last January 2019. It has been a year already!
Current role with Physiopedia:I love all aspects of Physiopedia. Reviewing courses, editing pages, creating pages, finding links to pages and discovering great new pages along the way. (To do this yourself, become a volunteer!)
Where did you go to school? Melbourne University and Lincoln institute of Health Sciences, both in Melbourne, Australia.
Where do you work? Australia. In the North East state of beautiful Queensland (QLD). I now work in Home Health pretty much full-time. I see the whole gamut of conditions: motor neuron disease (MND), cerebral palsy (CP), Diabetes, Chronic Health Care, musculoskeletal (MSK), post-operative surgical care, post-stroke rehabilitation, and helping the frail elderly live still in their homes.
Describe your role (clinical / field work / research / academia etc.) : I work in the client’s house. I have an extremely mixed case load. On a typical day I leave home at 7:30 am and travel around the sunshine coast in Queensland, seeing clients typically for 30 minutes at a time. I see the elderly to help them continue living in their own home. This may entail me giving them a home exercise program and doing the Otago Exercise Programs with them in their home, if they are able. Otherwise I may do simpler exercises like sit to stand, gait training, postural training. I may also be doing musculoskeletal (MSK) work with them to help them with osteoarthritic joints or following joint replacements. I also see many diabetic clients and help them with exercise programs which I supervise in the home. I often am supplying and recommending walking aids to clients along with aids to help them with their activities of daily living. I often am doing postural assessments and helping people with their seating and sleeping needs. I also see people with new neuronal disorders. I will be helping them with exercises and strengthening stretching where appropriate whatever the best treatment seems for that client. I am always hands on. I was trained in the Maitland fashion and use Maitland a lot. At times I see children (e.g. with cerebral palsy) and treat them in the typical fashion that physiotherapy does. I also see clients with dementia. I see lots of clients needing conditioning who have atrial fibrillation. I do a lot of chest treatment with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)clients and quite often teach them the active control of breathing technique. I come across a lot of people who need help with managing their oedema. At times I see people with down syndrome. Basically I see whatever types of pathologies and limitations arrive at the local doctors, or the outpatient doctors refer to physiotherapy.
What is the most rewarding part of being a PT? Being able to help people overcome health issues. Instilling them with hope. Helping people function better in there environment. Educating people on best ways to take control of their health.
What are some of the more challenging aspects about being a PT? Educating clients as to their role. Liaising with a “team” when taking a home based approach. Helping the elderly face adversity in old age, and acknowledging that it’s a tough gig being old for some with health issues.
What are some of your professional passions? Instilling the importance of exercise within people and promoting positive outlooks. Postural issues, especially in todays technical society and the obesity epidemic challenges.
What are a few of your personal passions? Oh many! Swimming, cycling, walking our lovely coastal parks on the weekends, my family, my dog, talking, going to local farmers markets, having my cafe stop in the evening to chat with the staff …….to name a few. Basically life is a passion!
What would be your advice to a newly graduating Physiotherapist? Take on challenges. Always use an opportunity to ask questions. Keep learning as it makes work far more interesting. Take on a variety of clients and conditions. Never know your calling until you have given it all a go!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Who knows!
What are the best things about being a Physiopedia volunteer? It’s help me in my pursuit of knowledge with a great group, that help endlessly and keep you on your toes.
How has being a Physiopedia volunteer helped your professional development /career progression? It’s my go to for resources and the latest issues and research. So being a volunteer keeps me happily “up there” (up to date) on most issues.
What are your hopes and aspirations for Physiopedia? I love Physiopedia and I love it’s ideas. But, I leave the big picture to the leaders who can network.
What is your favourite Physioplus course? The one I am currently doing is always my favorite. So, right now its the one on non-specific neck pain with an Aussie on board. Leading with research from University of Queensland (UQ) were my daughter studies.
Anything else you would like to share? Love the whole concept of learning for all! And that all the stuff is free. Physiopedia has the best careerdevelopment courses and they don’t set you back a months wages!
Please join the Physiopedia Team and supporters in extending our warmest and sincerest gratitude to Lucinda for all of her hard work and determination. If you are reading and appreciating a Physiopedia page, there is a good chance Lucinda has reviewed it! Well done!