Each month the Physiopedia team focuses on updating pages centred around one topic. This enables us to keep improving all of our existing pages as well as creating new ones. The team focuses on updating references and ensuring there are no formatting errors but most important of all the search for the latest evidence and update the pages accordingly.
The team had so much fun with the 365 days of Physiopedia project we chose that as our topic again this month. We have scoured the internet for relevant research, added images and included some interesting videos making our pages even more amazing.
This month we reviewed a record number of pages covering a wide range of topics and it is hard to choose which to share with you, as they are all awesome. I have picked a few pages at random, so when you have a quiet moment why not have a look and see what the team have been doing:
- Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Javelin Thrower’s Elbow
- Navicular Drop Test
- Auscultation
- Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
- Proprioception
We have also been busy developing many of our categories like Acute Care and Assessment. So whatever your area of interest we have a page just for you!
We aim to review as many pages as possible each month and create pages that are needed but if you see pages that need improving or creating, not just on the topic of the month, please feel free to contact us with your comments. Physiopedia is a resource created by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. Your feedback is necessary and always welcome.