Physiopedia has just launched it’s #justkeepmoving campaign which, over the past few weeks, has had me pondering what it means to me…..
It all started with the triathlon I did at the end of last year. I was talking to a friend about my concerns for completing my first triathlon and questioning how on earth I was going to get around the half ironman distance. He told me about the one and only triathlon he had been persuaded to enter, where only when standing on the start line did he realise what he had let himself in for. He offered me his “keep running faster” mantra which he used to get round the course. During my race I went through several iterations of this mantra from “just keep running” to finally using “just keep moving”, and so an idea was born!
I’ve spoken before about my personal challenges with chronic fatigue syndrome, six months in bed has given me a huge appreciation for the simple ability to move and the difference it can make to health. Despite knowing how important it is I still struggle to get the right daily balance, now it is between working at my computer and moving for healths sake. So, in the aftermath of above said triathlon, I more permanently recruited a secret weapon to keep me moving. I’ve never had a coach before, I’m not an athlete, I’ve never taken training seriously and in some ways I don’t like to be told what to do! But, being answerable to my coach is not only moving me towards my athletic goals, but the daily schedule is simply keeping me moving. (I’ll write more about my thoughts on health coaching and how everyone should have one another time!)
This daily movement means so much to me – time away from the computer; time in nature, sunshine and fresh air; time to clear my head. These are the things that are good for every mind, body and soul.
But movement means more to me than just physical activity. It makes me think about moving life forward, moving environments, moving projects forward, setting goals and learning new things. I sometimes open presentations by describing myself as an explorer, I like to experience new things, set unreasonable goals and keep on learning. It keeps me continually moving forward in both personal and professional development.
As human beings we are fortunate to have the opportunity to develop personally throughout life. As physiotherapists we should all aspire to continually professionally develop, and not just as individuals but the profession too. If we can all keep professionally moving forwards, that ‘movement’ will be a health care force to be reckoned with!
This year I will be flying the #justkeepmoving flag at several sporty events, and yes there is another very unreasonable goal involved! I’ll also be reflecting on how Physiopedia #justkeepsmoving, as well sharing how the rest of the team, you and your patients get involved in this campaign!
This is going to be awesome!