Activity is a key component of health for any human being – young and old, in sickness and in health, and wherever you may be in the world. With this in mind Physiopedia is starting a new campaign to ask the world to “just keep moving” and we would love it if you would get involved.
Incorporating movement and activity into patient or client management is a key component of professional physiotherapy practice. Simply asking someone to “just keep moving” could make all the difference to their health and performance. A stressed office worker can be encouraged to take a walk outside every lunch time, if they work on a computer they can be advised to stand up and move around every hour, a patient on bed rest can be encouraged to take deep breaths every time someone walks past, an athlete can be reminded to keep those tired muscles moving during recovery from training. #justkeepmoving.
However, we also see this as a mantra for personal and professional life, particularly in a profession where it is important to keep up to date with progression. Personally you might feel the need to practice what you preach and incorporate activity into your own life to keep healthy, keep moving every day. Professionally you might consider this statement when setting objectives each year, keep moving the goal posts to facilitate professional development. You might find growth by living and working in different contexts, keep moving location to experience new cultures.
Over the next few months the team at Physiopedia will be sharing their thoughts about what #justkeepmoving means to them and how they will be getting involved with the campaign. We would love it if you would join us, here are a few ideas:
- Share the #justkeepmoving idea with your patients, together you could set goals for keeping moving.
- Share the #justkeepmoving idea with your friends and family to optimise their health.
- Create a #justkeepmoving infographic or poster to share in your clinic or on social media.
- Promote activity by wearing #justkeepmoving on your clothing (we are setting up an online shop specifically for this purpose right now!)
- Design your own #justkeepmoving t-shirt, we’ll add it to the shop, donate the profits to Physiopedia and reward the most popular design, the more the merrier!
- Wear the #justkeepmoving race wear at the next race you enter, you could even fundraise for the #justkeepmoving campaign via the Physiopedia Just Giving account.
- Set new goals to #justkeepmoving your personal and professional life forwards.
- Or simply send us an article to publish on Physiospot on what #justkeepmoving means to you.
In addition to promoting all of your activities on Physiopsot throughout the year, we will be celebrating the best #justkeepmoving activities on World Physical Therapy Day on 8 September.
The Physiopedia team are looking forward to hearing how you and/or your patients and clients #justkeptmoving!