Clinical reflection is a key skill that all physiotherapists must have to guide their professional practice. Today, we have released two new courses for you to develop your clinical reflection skills.
Reflection is part of everyday life and a crucial part of learning. By reflecting on our actions and thought processes we learn from experience. For physiotherapists clinical reflection should form part of their everyday practice and continued educational goal setting. Some professional organisations even require clinical reflective writing as part of the continuing education and professional development portfolio of their members. Clinical reflection is a key skill that guides our professional development, clinical reasoning, and helps us to understand why we do what we do.
The clinical reflection course aims to provide you with different types of clinical reflection for novices and experienced therapists with specific physiotherapy scenarios to enable you to incorporate clinical reflection into your practice and educational goal setting. The clinical reflective frameworks course introduces to you different Reflective Frameworks and to provide guidance on selecting and applying them in your Clinical Reflection.
Join us for our new format even shorter courses. With these courses it will only take 1-2 hours to gain new knowledge and develop skills for your professionally development. You’ll get a certificate, PP+ points and well earned CEUs.