As part of this month’s focus on pain, we’ve sat done with Dr. Daniel Harvie to talk about virtual reality and technology and its use in treating pain.
Daniel is a post-doctoral fellow with Recover Injury Research Centre (formerly known as CONROD). Recover is an Australian Centre which aims to produce breakthrough research which leads to better outcomes after injury, especially when caused by road traffic crashes. Daniel is conducting pain research using state-of-the-art virtual-reality technology.
He is the recipient of the iAward for information and communication technology innovation, and holds several grants that explore the connection between the brain and pain perception. He is also actively involved in supporting undergraduate research. Daniel supervised the Kungullanji Indigenous Summer Research Symposium, which gave undergraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students the chance to participate in research projects across areas in Griffith Sciences and Griffith Health programs.
Daniel recently published a study on neck pain that found that visual-proprioceptive information modulated the threshold for movement-evoked pain.