A 3D video game developed by researchers to test for the early signs of dementia could also one day be used by physiotherapists to identify disorders with impaired movement.
Dementia researchers are eager to test the power of Sea Hero Quest and have high hopes for its potential to gather massive amounts of data about the early stages of dementia. Since spatial navigation is one of the first skills to go in dementia, Sea Hero Quest could lead to the development of an early diagnostic test for the disease.
The possible applications of this type of technology to the field of physiotherapy are tantalizing. Could it be used to correct movement patterns and enhance the skills of an athlete? Could it also lead to the early detection of neurological disorders with movement impairments, such as Parkinsons Disease?
The possibility of using virtual reality to identify, treat and prevent conditions is quickly growing, as evidenced by the diversity of games and devices we’re seeing in this field.
Have your patients benefited from virtual reality sessions? Do you see any other applications for this kind of technology?
Let us know in the comments below.