In this interview, Rachael Lowe of Physiopedia talks to Prof. Lisa Harvey from the University of Sydney, Australia about her extensive experience as a clinician, educator and researcher in neurology.
Lisa is a professor and senior research fellow at the University of Sydney, with over 20 years experience in the area of spinal cord injuries. Her primary interest lies in clinical trials designed to determine the effectiveness of different physiotherapy interventions for people with spinal cord injury.
Lisa’s research experience covers a diverse range of topics including contracture and hand management of people with tetraplegia, orthotic gait along with exercise and respiratory physiology. She teaches widely both nationally and internationally, and has been the recipient of numerous grants and scholarships.
Lisa is the author of Management of Spinal Cord Injuries E-Book, 1st Edition, a guide for physiotherapists. She also initiated and continues to manage a website of physiotherapy exercises appropriate for people with neurological conditions.
Lisa was the lead tutor for the Physiopedia’s Physiotherapy Management of Spinal Cord Injuries online course 2014. This course will run again in the future!