December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Over 10% of the world’s population lives with disability. In low income countries only 5-10% of disabled people requiring assistive devices and technology gain access to them. Mortality for children is as high as 80% in some countries. And roughly 20% of the world’s population are disabled.
“A Day for All,” this years theme, aims to show that disability is part of the human condition and diversity within our communitiess. The World Health Organization (WHO) has set forth Millenium Development Goals (MDG) consisting of targets to address the needs of the world’s poorest citizens with disability. Disability MDGs also introduce rights to protect people with disabilities civilly, culturally, economically, socially and politically.
Commmunity based rehabilitation has been implemented in more than 90 countries to help assess the needs of people with disabilities and their family. This program provides therapy, decreases poverty, and promotes inclusion of disabled people in their community. The main focus is on health, education, social and livelihood of these individuals. The CBR indications Manual and CBR online training tool is also being launched today. You can download the WHO infographic, “Better health for people with disabilities” here.