Abstract’s are now being accepted for the 4th Annual European Congress of the European Region for World Confederation of Physical Therapy in Liverpool from Nov 11-12, 2016. Share your innovative ideas and research findings with peers across Europe!
This is your opportunity to have your contribution to physical therapy recognised and discussed with an international audience. The European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT) is currently accepting abstract proposals for:
- platform presentations
- poster presentations
- poster discussion sessions
Abstracts will be accepted from Sept 7, 2015 through February 29, 2016. The review process will take place during March 2016 and if your abstract proposal is accepted you will be notified by April 22, 2016. You can also sign up to be a reviewer for the abstracts submitted.
The deadline for submissions is 29th February 2016. For further information please visit: www.liverpool2016.com/abstracts
The ER-WCPT Congress is organised by ER-WCPT and hosted by Chartered Society of Physiotherapy in collaboration with ENPHE.