Walt Lingerfelt, an Evidence In Motion fellow, has published two presentations on conservative management on Thoracic Outlet. This video series is a good discussion for the novice physiotherapist or a great review for the seasoned clinician.
The first video of this series is about 30 minutes long. In this video Walt:
- Reviews the anatomy of the thoracic outlet relating to neurogenic versus vascular causes.
- Discusses causes, potential contributing factors, and differential diagnoses around thoracic outlet compression.
- A clinical examination section includes a discussion of specificity and sensitivity for the following clinical special tests: Roos, Adson, Wright, Costoclavicular Manuever, Adverse Neural Tension tests, and Cervical Flexion with Rotation.
The second video is slightly shorter. In this video Walt discusses:
- Conservative management strategies and a case study of thoracic outlet.
- Mobilization techniques for first rib mobilization or manipulation with the patient sitting or supine are discussed.
- Treatment options including self mobilization, cyriax release, shoulder and neural mobilization are demonstrated.
- Upon conclusion of this presentation Walt discusses a couple of cases and treatments.
Thank you to Walt and EIM for making this video series available for sharing. We hope you find it as informative as we did!