There is now an iOS App for PT Journal. An iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch will allow for easy access and online reading of the journal. If you are looking to read the articles before print, then this is the app for you!
You will need to be an APTA member or institutional member to access the journal to get full access. With an individual membership, you will need to login using an APTA membership and password. If you are on a wireless network through your institution, the app will automatically recognize your institution’s membership. If you are not on their network, a institutional proxy can be requested.
After first opening the app, you will have the option of having it send you notifications. The next step allows you to download the entire article or change the settings regarding downloading the full issue. In the setting you change set the new issue to automatically download or turn it off. You can also set the storage limit at different levels or leave it unlimited.
The bottom of the app has the following tabs: issues, online first, podcast, archives, and more. The online first section is where you will find future articles which have yet to be published in the paper version of the journal. The podcasts section also includes the Craikcasts, various speeches from symposiums, or lectures. The archives allows for searching of back issues. There is a “more” section which allows you to select your favorites or check the history of articles you have accessed.
Have no fear though, if you are not an Apple user other great Android apps also exist and can be found below.