This is the research question being asked in a brand new online international survey launched by Keele University. Cliona McRobert, a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and NIHR School for Primary Care Research Doctoral Training Fellow is leading this study along with Prof Danielle van der Windt, Professor of Primary Care Epidemiology at the Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre, Keele University. This study is part of Cliona’s PhD that forms the basis for a clinical treatment decision aid for use with patients with shoulder disorders.
Cliona says: ‘…doing a full-time PhD is my current dream job. It is very important to me that my research is meaningful to clinicians and stimulates thinking and development to benefit clinical practice. I hope that clinicians enjoy taking part in this survey that I have designed to replicate real-life clinical decisions. We have nifty statistical analysis planned so I am very excited to see what we find!’
Cliona, Danielle and the rest of the research team invite clinicians and academics interested in the management of shoulder disorders to take part in this international online survey. This survey will take you 20 minutes to complete.
The survey is LIVE ONLINE NOW at
Please share this invitation with your professional colleagues. You can follow Cliona McRobert on Twitter