Physiotherapy reduces falls, addresses frailty and restores independence in older people. In addition, a recent UK Falls Prevention Economic Model has shown how physiotherapy saves money – if everyone aged over 65 years at risk of falling was referred to physiotherapy, 225,300 falls would be prevented in the UK each year, saving the NHS £331 million.
There are many definitions for falls. A simple and widely accepted version often used in used in research defines a fall as: “An unexpected event in which the participant comes to rest on the ground, floor or lower level” (Lamb et al 2005). (Read more on Falls). Falls are the sixth leading cause of death in older adults (read more on Falls in the Elderly), but can also present a problem among young patients, particularly those affected by neurological disorders (read more on Falls in Young Adults).
With the strong body of evidence demonstrating that Physiotherapy in the area of Falls can save money and help people to enjoy an active life, it should be a priority for all treating clinicians. Make sure that you are up-to-date in this key area of Physiotherapy practice, by reviewing the recently updated Physiopedia pages on Falls:
- Balance
- Base of Support
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo:Continuing Professional Development Package
- Berg Balance Scale
- Carers guide to dementia
- Case Study: Parkinson’s Disease – Falls due to freezing gait
- Centre of Gravity
- Dynamic Gait Index
- Effects of Aging on Bone
- Falls
- Falls in elderly
- Falls in young adult
- Medication and Falls
- Proprioception
- Romberg Test
- The Balance Outcome Measure for Elder Rehabilitation (BOOMER)
- Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale
We hope that you find these pages useful in keeping up-to-date in the key area of Falls prevention. If you feel that you can update or improve any of these pages in any way, please just login to Physiopedia (you can request an account here) and make the changes. This is how we keep Physiopedia evolving with our profession.