“Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in the spotlight”, that’s been our motto since we started in 2006. Yes, Physiospot has been around for getting on for 10 years! What started out as a CPD activity while I took a break from clinical practice, Physiospot has become the online magazine for the Physiopedia project.
Physiospot is where we tell you all that is going on at Physiopedia as well as bringing you the latest news and clinically relevant research, interviews with experts, updates and courses from our partners as well as the opinions of our voices columnists. The ‘magazine’ is a collaborative effort of many people and we invite you to get involved.
The ‘Voices‘ column on Physiospot is where anyone can contribute their thoughts and opinions on any physiotherapy or physical therapy related topic. Our contributors may write about topics to educate, highlight thoughts on evidence and practice or discuss current professional issues. But how do the Voices authors benefit I hear you ask? Well, in several ways really. We always give full credit where credit is due and include the authors short biography, profile image, twitter profile and a link to their website. You’ll always be able to find out more and connect with them. In addition to this their contributions to Physiospot get great exposure through our networks, meaning great exposure for them professionally as well as their workplace and/or professional projects. After an article is published on Physiospot, this is what happens:
- it is automatically included in our Physiospot email update that is sent out weekly
- it automatically goes to our social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn) where we have around 60,000 connections
- also the top 5 posts are included in our monthly email newsletter to our Physiopedia mailing list
“Opinions are like belly buttons, everybody’s got one”. This is an opportunity for you to share your opinion, to make a difference to our profession, to advocate, to discuss, to share and much more. If you can commit to one article per month to Physiospot we enthusiastically invite you to have your own ‘column’, at a publication rate of less than that we are very happy to add your posts as guest posts.
We are also currently looking for a committed News Editor, this could be you!
If you’re interested in being involved in this amazing community project please do get in touch.