This is the final blog of this series, so a little recap is required …. I started off last year talking about harvesting the information you have in your databases and guiding you to some of my favourite reports in the diary and finance sections. If you are reading this and haven’t read the previous blogs please read on but do go back and have a look at the others it’s well worth it …. And don’t forget to chalk all this up as CPD!
Let’s start with a simple New Year’s resolution for you. Keep track of your patients. Easy to say … for some not easy to do, but you have TM2 so this resolution is in the bank! Here’s some reports to help:
Non-current patients by practitioner – This is a great way of tracking patients in your clinic. If you are using clinical notes correctly and discharging them they automatically they become “non-current” in TM2 … that means their light bulb goes out in the patient search (yes that’s what it means!!!). This list can then be passed onto your marketing team or practitioners to re-establish contact.
Combine this with the “current case load report” in the cases section and you can see if practitioners are discharging patients correctly. This is particularly helpful if you can only invoice at discharge as patients often fail to return and practitioners fail to discharge … does this sound familiar? This is a very common problem for clinic owners.
Patient recall report – This one lives in the diary section of TM2 reports.
If you combined the two reports above you’d get a report a little like the one below. You can set a data range and the report will show your non-returning patients by practitioner and also if they have an open case or not. Remember, you must be using cases correctly for this report to work. You must discharge correctly. Many clinics I visit would have pages and pages of information relating to this report because they have never discharged a patient correctly. So give it a go …. see what happens. If you can get a grip on this not only will your invoicing be improved but your patient retention and contact will benefit.
So there you have it. The end of this little series of blogs. Don’t worry there will be more to come. Do let me know if you have any particular topics you’d find interesting. Best wishes for 2015 Jeremy.