Physiopedia is offering it’s members the new service of delivering all the latest clinically relevant news and research in your area of clinical interest straight to your inbox.
Keeping up with the masses of research that is published online is a task large enough to instil fear in even the most techie people. Sifting through all the online journals, PubMed or your RSS aggregator is a time sink that is very draining how ever we choose to do it, and that’s even before we have started reading the articles that we are interested in!
To help you in this daunting task we have created a new set of evidence updates that delivers the latest and most clinically relevant research in your clinical interest area straight to your inbox each month. We will do the sifting for you and then every month will send you the best and most clinically relevant research in an email so that you can quickly and easily choose the articles that are most pertinent to your practice.
To start with we have created a service for the clinical interest areas of Musculoskeletal & Orthopaedics, Women’s and Men’s Health and Neurology. Take a look at these examples:
In addition to this we have also created a weekly email service that will send you the latest updates from Physiospot. Physiospot has been highlighting clinically relevant news and research since 2006. In more recent years we have added all the news from Physiopedia, expert audio interviews, course, product reviews as well as news from our partners and opinion pieces from our voices columnists. Now you can get all of this sent straight to your inbox every week!
To access these services you need to be a Physiopedia member. As a member you can sign up for any of the newsletters mentioned above plus access all of the other member offerings such as online course in our learn topics, quizzing, books, journals, technique videos and offers from our partners. This is a very cost effective professional development option with significant discounts for people from low and middle income countries (FREE for people from low income countries!!).
So, get signed up for evidence updates via email and if we don’t yet cater for your clinical speciality let us know in the comments section below which topics you’d like us to work on next? Those who shout the loudest will be heard first!