Claire Roberston is a UK based physiotherapist who specialises in the patellofemoral pain syndrome who very generously agreed to share her knowledge with us as part of a forthcoming Physiopedia Members learn topic on the knee. As a very experienced clinician, researcher and educator, Claire offers us a fascinating insight into her cutting edge knowledge of knee anatomy, pain and effective treatment techniques.
Some of the many topics covered in this chat are the role of biomechanics in patella tracking, joint crepitus, the importance of biomechanical assessment and her recommendations for more effective exercise prescription.
You can read more about Claire’s research on the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) muscle in these two recent papers.
- Ultrasound investigation of vastus medialis oblique muscle architecture: Anin vivo study
- An investigation into the architecture of the vastus medialis oblique muscle in athletic and sedentary individuals: An in vivo ultrasound study
Find out more about Claire here:
- Follow Claire on Twitter
- Find Claire at the Wimbledon Clinics, LinkedIn and on Physiopedia
- Previous publications include Claire’s editorial on joint crepitus in Physiotherapy Research International and her editorial on patellofemoral pain syndrome in the International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation.
As usual I recommend finding a quiet moment in your day, making a cup of coffee and sitting back to enjoy and learn from this fascinating conversation.