With spring already here, the grass is growing – don’t let it grow under your feet! Giving your practice a spring clean is a great opportunity to ensure that you are ready for the busy months ahead. So when you are donning the marigolds and getting your dusters out why not extend it to your current system … Spring is an opportunity to officially set aside time dedicated to checking that the information in your database is current and correct. This is absolutely crucial irrespective of your clinic size … checking now will let you skip into the summer with confidence!
So here’s the TM2 spring clean check list with a few suggestions thrown in…
1. Location(s) :
- Are your details correct for your location (s)? Best to check! This information appears on all your receipts and invoices.
- Do you need extra locations? … if so give your account manager a call on 033 33 4426 00.
2. Stock:
- Is your stock current and accurate? Do the descriptions and times match your business activities?
- Add colour to stock to brighten up the diary and clearly identify different treatment types.
- Have you performed a stock take of all the items you sell? If so you can start using your stock sale and reorder reports.
- Have you marked any old stock “out of use”?
3. Practitioners:
- Are the charges and sessions correct for you and your practitioners?
- Are you making the most out of the sessions you offer?
- Have you run the activity report?
- Just like with stock you can take practitioners who are no longer working with you out of use to clear up the diary.
4. Groups:
- Are your group’s setup correctly? Any mistakes here can lead to serious delays in getting invoices paid. Check your invoice settings.
- Do you use the notifications function in the group record to automatically confirm bookings and other appointment details?
A good spring clean clears the way ahead for the year … there are many exciting things to come from TM2 so now is the time to get prepared! To find out more about TM2 contact sales on 033 33 442 600 or email [email protected]