Physiopedia SCI course accredited for CEUs by WCPT

Physiopedia’s latest open online course has been approved for 15 hours of WCPT International Physical Therapy Continuing Education Units (IPT-CEUs).

The World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) has recently started a new initiative to to recognise high quality continuing education opportunities for physical therapists around the world and we are delighted to announce that Physiopedia has been the first recipient of this recognition.  WCPT IPT-CEUs will be awarded to participants who successfully complete the Physiotherapy Management of Spinal Cord Injuries course which is currently in it’s second week.  The 15 IPT-CEUs will be evidenced on the course completion certificate which is awarded following the passing of the final course assessment.

Tracy Bury, WCPT’s Director of Professional Policy, said: “We’re providing this service to benefit both individual physical therapists and continuing education providers. Physical therapists attending courses will be able to collect continuing education units (CEUs) to meet national requirements. And providers of continuing education, if they are approved by us, will have a mark assuring their quality.”

With requirements growing around the world that physical therapists must show a record of continuing education as proof of continuing competency, there is demand for a system that recognises international learning opportunities and awards continuing education units to physical therapists.  It makes sense that the WCPT is the organisation to award these and we hope that they will become internationally recognised by professional registration boards around the world.  This international recognition will allow physical therapists and physiotherapists around the world to make the most of global learning opportunities.

Rachael Lowe, co-founder and director of Physiopedia, said: “We are delighted to have our open online course accredited by the WCPT, this is a huge step towards internationally recognised learning”.


Find out more about the WCPT IPT-CEUs

Take part in the course to earn IPT-CEUs