Psychosocial approaches to pain is our members learn topic in March

For our second learn topic we will be exploring psychosocial aspects of pain.  Pain is an enormous topic that we are unable to cover in one learn topic, however this learn module will give you a basic understanding of pain and explore some of the psychosocial aspects.

In task one we look at the experience of pain.  Starting with a video for Lorimer Moseley we gain an understanding of “why things hurt”.  We then explore the impact of psychological factors in the experience of pain and on people with disabilities.  In this section we have a free chapter from the recently published book Pain which covers models and targets for comprehensive assessment.

In task two we cover pain assessment.  Exploring the Flags system we gain an understanding of what psychosocial signs we are looking for during our assessment of pain.  Following that we take a look at some of the outcome measures that are appropriate to use in assessing pain.

In task three we explore pain management.  This task revolves around “Psychologically Informed Practice”.  We have another free chapter from Pain which covers psychological interventions, we explore a framework that organises psychosocial approaches to pain management and have a free issue of Physical Therapy journal that focuses on this topic.

Join up here to access this pain topic and the included FREE resources (listed below)

Our FREE resources this month include:

Book chapters

  • Gordon J.G. Asmundson, Lydia Gomez-Perez, Ashley A. Richter and R. Nicholas Carleton.  The psychology of pain: models and targets for comprehensive assessment.  Chapter 4 in Hubert van Griensven’s Pain: A text book for health care professionals.  Elsevier, 2014.
  • Patrick J. McGrath, Jill M. Chorney, Anna Huguet and Anita M. Unruh.  Psychological interventions: application to management of pain.  Chapter 9 in Hubert van Griensven’s Pain: A text book for health care professionals.  Elsevier, 2014.
  • Karl S. Bagraith and Jenny Strong. Rehabilitation and the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Chapter 22 in Hubert van Griensven’s Pain: A text book for health care professionals.  Elsevier, 2014.


  • Physical Therapy (May 2011) special issue on Psychologically Informed Practice:
    • A Convincing Case—For the Psychologically Informed Physical Therapist
    • Psychosocial Influences on Low Back Pain: Why Should You Care?
    • Impact of Psychological Factors in the Experience of Pain
    • Psychosocial Influences on Low Back Pain, Disability, and Response to Treatment
    • Relationship Between Categorisation With the STarT Back Screening Tool and Prognosis for People Receiving Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain
    • Early Identification and Management of Psychological Risk Factors (“Yellow Flags”) in Patients With Low Back Pain: A Reappraisal
    • Relationship Among Pain Catastrophising, Depressed Mood, and Outcomes Across Physical Therapy Treatments
    • Psychologically Informed Interventions for Low Back Pain: An Update for Physical Therapists
    • Addressing Occupational Factors in the Management of Low Back Pain: Implications for Physical Therapist Practice
    • Embedding Psychosocial Perspectives Within Clinical Management of Low Back Pain: Integration of Psychosocially Informed Management Principles Into Physical Therapist Practice—Challenges and Opportunities
    • Does Teaching Physical Therapists to Deliver a Biopsychosocial Treatment Program Result in Better Patient Outcomes? A Randomised Controlled Trial
    • Psychologically Informed Practice for Management of Low Back Pain: Future Directions in Practice and Research

Journal Articles

  • Jo Nijs, C. Paul van Wilgene, Jessica Van Oosterwijcka, Miriam van Ittersumd, Mira Meeus. How to explain central sensitization to patients with ‘unexplained’ chronic musculoskeletal pain: Practice guidelines. Manual Therapy 16 (2011) 413-418
  •  Clare Louise Clarke, Cormac Gerard Ryan, Denis J. Martin.  Pain neurophysiology education for the management of individuals with chronic low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Manual Therapy 16 (2011) 544-549
  •  Peter Kent, Per Kjaer. The efficacy of targeted interventions for modifiable psychosocial risk factors of persistent nonspecific low back pain: A systematic review. Manual Therapy 17 (2012) 385-401

Join up here to access this pain topic and these included FREE resources