Manual Therapy Research Review from IFOMPT

Manual Therapy Research Review, produced by IFOMPT, presents some recently published clinically relevant research papers.  This issue shows a review of the effectiveness of manual therapy and exercise in the treatment of OA of the knee and hip, and the cost effectiveness of manual therapy in the treatment  of OA of the knee and hip, and a paper on the early use of thrust and non-thrust  techniques in the management of low back pain.

  • Manual therapy, exercise therapy, or both, in addition to usual care, for osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: a randomized controlled trial. 1: Clinical effectiveness. Abbott HA, Robertson MC, Chapple C, Pinto D, Wright AA, De la Barra SL, Baxter GD, Thesis JC, Campbell AJ, On behalf of the MOA Trial Team
  • Manual therapy, exercise therapy, or both, in addition to usual care, for osteoarthritis of the hip or knee 2: economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial. Pinto D, Robertson MC, Abbott JH, Hansen P, and Campbell AJ on behalf of the MOA Trial Team. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21 (2013) 1504-1513
  • Early use of thrust manipulation versus non-thrust manipulation: A randomized clinical trial.  Cook, C., Learman,K., Showalter, C., Kabbaz,V., and O’Hallaron, B. Manual Therapy 18 (2013) 191-98

Read the latest Manual Therapy Research Reviews here