Kinesio taping is sometimes used for athletes with Medial Elbow Epicondylar Tendinopathy (MET) as an additional treatment method. The authors conducted this study in order to determine the clinical effectiveness of Kinesio tape on maximal grip strength and absolute and related force sense in athletes with MET when applied to the medial forearm. 27 male athletes volunteered for the study and were divided into a healthy group (n=17) and a MET group (n=10). The assessed all the subjects for the maximal grip strength and grip force sense (absolute and related force sense) under 3 taping conditions: 1) without taping; 2) with placebo Kinesio taping; and 3) with Kinesio taping. No significant interaction was found between groups and taping condition in maximal grip force and related force sense error, except for absolute force sense error (p=0.04). Both groups with absolute force sense measurements had significantly decreased errors in the placebo Kinesio taping and Kinesio taping conditions.
They concluded that taping may enhance discrimination of magnitude of grip force control (absolute force sense) in both groups when applied to the forearm. However, Kinesio taping did not affect maximal grip strength in either group. They added that the effects of Kinesio taping on other muscle functions still need further study.