Spasmodic torticollis is a relatively common condition characterized by a sudden onset of sharp pain with limitation of movement. It typically occurs with unusual movements or prolonged abnormal postures before onset of pain. Pain localized to the middle or, more usually, on one side of the neck, restriction of movement (especially same side rotation and opposite side flexion), and abnormal position of neck are common complaints in spasmodic torticollis.
Conservative management of torticollis in the form of heat, electroanalgesic modalities, manual therapy, cervical traction, motor control exercises, and postural retraining is widely recommended. Orthopedic manual therapy and therapeutic exercises are intriguing treatment options for physiotherapist while treating cervical pain.
There is lack of evidence for the relative benefit of scapular repositioning in the treatment of spasmodic torticollis. Hence, the authors studied if there were any immediate effects of a scapular repositioning technique in patients with spasmodic torticollis on pain and pressure pain threshold (PPT) and to guide future studies.
A randomized, single blind pilot study was conducted. The subjects were 23 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of spasmodic torticollis. Visual analog scale pain score, cervical active ranges of motion, and PPT were assessed before and after the intervention. The comparison group was treated with only conventional physiotherapy (microwave diathermy, submaximal isometrics, and ergonomic advice). The intervention group was given scapular repositioning with active cervical rotation technique, in addition to conventional physiotherapy treatment.
The study demonstrated that scapular repositioning may have an immediate hypoalgesic effect on individuals with spasmodic torticollis in terms of pain severity, PPT, and cervical range of motion. To read more about this article click here..