Rapidly progressing degeneration of the hip joint is an uncommon condition presenting to physical therapy. Differential diagnosis can often be difficult, as clinical and radiographic findings do not always coincide leaving clinicians with difficult decision making regarding course of treatment. EDUCATA are making a case report on this topic available to you free of charge. The purpose of this case report was to describe the differential diagnosis and early management of a patient with rapidly progressing hip pain. So if you work with patients with hip pain, download this free paper now!
You might also be interested in the EDUCATA course on differential diagnosis fromDr. Chad Cook. Chad is considered an expert in differential diagnosis, teaching over 2,000 PTs a year about the topic. This course is being offered with a 25% discount until the end of the month! To take advantage of the offer, enter coupon code 713COOK at checkout.
Additional hip resources that you might find interesting in Physiopedia can be found through the links below: