Poor lifestyle behaviors are leading causes of preventable diseases globally. We have previously written about Physiotherapists Must Address the Global Burden of Musculoskeletal and Other Non-Communicable Disease and highlighted recent writings in the Lancet with More on Non-Communicable Diseases. EDUCATA have recently made available a free research paper, Population approaches to improve diet, physical activity, and smoking habits: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association, that identified and graded the evidence for a range of population-based strategies to promote lifestyle change. This scientific statement from the American Heart Association systematically reviewed the current evidence for effective population approaches to improve eating habits, increase physical activity and reduce smoking. A range of population-based strategies promoting changes to lifestyle were identified and graded. The findings provide a framework for policy makers and other stakeholders to implement effective interventions. Do you work with patients who could improve their lifestyle behaviours? Then you can download this free paper now!
You might also be interested in the EDUCATA course on assessment of exercise tolerance taught by Dr. Ellen Hillegass. Dr. Hillegass is an educator and clinician in cardiovascular and pulmonary care. She is a board certified cardiovascular and pulmonary clinical specialist, a Fellow of the American Association of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR), and she was named a Catherine Worthingham Fellow by the APTA in 2012.
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