Do physical therapists bear responsibility towards the athlete they suspect of taking performance enhancement drugs?

Lance Armstrong’s confession on the Oprah Winfrey Network mid-January is by now old news. BUT, the issues it raised, on sports and ethics, have long terms implications. Do physical therapists and trainers bear responsibility towards the athlete they suspect of taking performance enhancement drugs?  Or towards the community of sports? Or the community at large?

In a new blog article our online education partner, EDUCATA poses these questions and explores the answers. What do YOU think, both as a citizen of the world and a healthcare professional? Do you know the side effects and the long term effects? Do you know what drugs are used? If you thought your patient was using PEDs, would you do anything to educate him/her? Do you feel an ethical responsibility for reporting suspected use? What would YOU have done had you been Lance Armstrong’s physical therapist or trainer, and suspected? We encourage you to click, read and participate in this important discussion!

In addition, EDUCATA is making available, for a limited time (through the month of February) FREE OF CHARGE, its sports medicine course “The Process of Progress”. Simply click here and enroll, then enter the coupon code PROFREE213 at checkout.