The World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) has recently highlighted the formation of a new group, the International Oncology, Palliative Care, and HIV/AIDS Physical Therapy Association (IOPHPT). The group was initiated by a group of interested practitioners meeting at the WCPT Congress in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 2011. A core group of individuals have since been communicating online to determine a course of action leading to recognition as a WCPT Subgroup prior to the next General Meeting in Singapore in 2015.
IOPHPT vision statement
Advancing physical therapy management and prevention of oncologic, palliative care, and HIV/AIDS related functional impairments throughout the world and across cultural groups.
IOPHPT mission statement
The International Oncology, Palliative Care, and HIV/AIDS Physical Therapy Association (IOPHPT) provides members with opportunities to advance evidence-based physical therapy management through education, research, and sharing clinical practice information and skills.
IOPHPT goals and objectives
The IOPHPT will:
- Provide peer support through networking opportunities for its members (List serves, websites, online meetings, and education and research sessions.)
- Provide continuing professional development opportunities
- Establish mechanisms for promoting evidence to enhance practice
- Enhance the international awareness of the benefits of physical therapy management for individuals with oncologic, palliative care, or HIV/AIDS related conditions.
IOPHPT is very interested in collaborating and networking with physical therapy leaders in oncology, palliative care, and HIV/AIDS from many countries so we may continue and move forward the care of our patients. Initial contact can be made with Dr Jackie Drouin (President of IOPHPT).
In addition an oncology forum has been created. If you are working in this field, or represent an organisation that is likely to want to become involved, then please contact the Dr Jackie Drouin (President of IOPHPT) or make contact via the forum.
For more information about IOPHPT and how you could be involved go to